Fernhill Progression video

July 2014

May 1, 2014 Fernhill opened its trails to the public after years of construction
Hoichi Kurisu and his team hand placed each bolder in the waterfall and garden
Early paths and bridges

July 2013

Floating bridge and boulders

View of the Water Garden from the Waterfall

Over 4 billion seeds were spread throughout the Fernhill Wetlands

Crowd overlooking the waterfalls in the Water Garden

Crowd throwing mud balls of seeds into the wetlands

Fernhill in the news
Recent and archived stories.
Voices of Fernhill
By award-winning director Peter Swanson and local film crews, these videos tell the story of Fernhill from the perspective of community leaders and Clean Water Services staff.

Sounds of Fernhill - into the Garden
Guitar and lead vocals: Steve Anderson
Drums: Bill Gulacy
Background vocals: Tracy Gulacy
Bass guitar: Terry Howell